Frequently Asked Questions.

What does Urega mean?

Urega has various meanings but it was originally taken from the tribal name ‘Murega’, a tribe in the East of Congo-Kinshasa. It was created by the late father of our founder.

How does the scholarship work?

If you fit our criteria, please apply! You will be awarded up to 200,000 FCFA to cover your education cost for Form 5 or Upper Sixth if selected. Beyond that, we will do everything we can to support you during this year and beyond.

I am already in Form 5 or Upper Sixth, can I still apply?

Yes, we welcome applications from students in Form 5 going to lower sixth but we do not welcome applications from students graduating from upper sixth.

Why are you doing this? What do you have to gain?

We are a non-profit, gain/profit is not our motivation. We are simply a group of young Africans in love with their continent who want to contribute to writing a different narrative.

What is a recommendation letter?

For our application, we require you to ask a member of your community or leader at school to provide us with a short letter where they share with us how amazing you are. Don’t worry; if you cannot or are not sure you can provide this, we have an extra essay you can answer instead.

I have additional materials I would like to submit. Can I do that?

No, we do not accept extra materials after you have submitted your application. We have included all we need from you in our Application Form, make sure to fill that comprehensively.