The Urega Scholarship Program

Who is a Urega Scholar?

A Urega Scholar is a high achieving low-income student, currently in high school in Cameroon, who is ambitious about their future, passionate about their education, and capable of thinking critically about the state of their community, country, and the world with maturity, humility, and empathy.

The Core Qualities of a Urega Scholar are:

Courage - Empathy - Humility - Ambition - Maturity - Passion

A Urega Scholar is also one who has demonstrated beyond reasonable doubt that extenuating life circumstances and obstacles have led them to yearn for solutions, a better education, high professional and personal goals, and remain determined to excel and complete their education.

Being a Urega Scholar is about creating ties that last beyond school days. As we look to build a community of champions, our hope is that as our scholars complete their education, they can look back and lift others as they rise. 

We are looking to support the next generation of African artists, scientists, teachers, and change-makers; we believe success is personal, and the path towards achieving it, is not linear

How do we support?

  • Financial Support

    We provide each scholar with a financial stipend of up to $300 or FCFA 200,000, to cover their educational expenses.

  • Mentorship

    We pair each scholar with a Urega Mentor, to support them with their academic and personal challenges.

  • Development

    We build academic and extra-curricular Initiatives to help scholars succeed academically & explore new opportunities.